Nurturing A Healthy Mind

In a time filled with highs and lows, here’s how we’ve been nurturing a healthy mind:

Befriending Your Body. Our routines have changed and so has our exercise. Some things we’ve been forced to train less and that’s ok. Instead, we’ve focused our energy on things we usually train less of. Such as flexibility, mobility and strength training (eg Barre).

Prioritising Good Sleep. A good night’s sleep results in a lighter step and a clearer mind. So we’ve really made it a priority to aim for a 7-9 hour sleep routine.

Finding Your Tribe. At moments when you’re feeling stuck or down, remember that a problem shared is a problem halved. Surround yourself (even virtually!) with people who build you up and make you feel good about yourself. Friends who love, support you unconditionally, and are there to talk to when you’re in need of some advice, or a shoulder to cry on. This is to all of you - our wonderful students, all your kind words and support.

Reaching out For Help. Asking for help does NOT make you weak! It’s not embarrassing or shameful. In fact, it’s such a sign of strength and encourage anyone struggling to reach out and talk to someone you trust. Whether it’s a friend, family member, or a therapist or psychologist.

Limiting Social Media. We’ve found ourselves in endless feed scrolls more than once… PER DAY! Capping our social media/screen time to ‘No Instagram’ before 9am and after 9pm has really reduced our stress, balanced our minds, and made that moment when we do tune in even more enjoyable <3.