Why Pole Dancing is a women’s new favourite Strength Training

If you’re reading this, then you’re most likely thinking about starting pole dancing classes and curious to learn more about what it will give you. Pole dancing is more than dancing using a pole. We’ve listed our favourite benefits to why we love pole dancing and why its women’s new favourite strength training program!

1. Pole Dancing Releases “Happy Hormones”

Endorphins or commonly known as “happy hormones” are released when you pole dance. This is because of the physical exercise it involves. These endorphins interact with the receptors in our brain and help reduce the perception of pain.

This is why many say pole dancing is a way to release stress, because it really does lessen anxiety through movement and dance.

2. Pole Dancing Is Strength Training

Pole dancing build strength through physicality and constant repetition. Because of this, it is a form of strength training.

This is why it’s no surprise pole dancers can seamlessly carry their bodies in routines as if they were flying, because all the pole dancing and practice has made their bodies stronger than ever over time.

3. Pole Dancing Improves Coordination

Just like any dance, pole dancing involves coordination. Pole involves full body coordination, because you use more than one part of your body at a time to execute a move.

Over time pole dance tricks turn into routines and in order to get a routine right, one must be able to coordinate all the pole moves learnt as a one long flow.

4. Pole Dancing Builds Muscle

This is a given. Because pole dancing involves repetitive physical movement, not only does your body increase strength, but it builds muscle too. Muscles in your body get worked out when they do a move again, and again, and again.

No need for those “planned” workouts or HIIT sessions. A class of pole dancing is your new strength training regime.

5. Pole Dancing Tones Your Abs

As you practice pole dancing, you build muscle and one of the main focus areas are your abdominals and your core. This is because your core is what stabilizes you into doing those tough up-the-pole aerial pole moves. Prepare for those abs ladies!

6. Pole Dancing Burns Fat

As a form of exercise, strength training and cardiovascular workout, pole dancing will help shed those unwanted KGs, burn fat to build muscle, all the while promoting body positivity.

Pole dancing is a great way to get motivated to lose some extra weight with the perks of enjoying the fun in pole dancing. No counting repetitive sets here, it’s all about learning what your body can do while finding a new rhythm through dance.

7. Pole Dancing Increases Flexibility

All those splits you see dancers do? Not all of them started out like that. If you’re worried you aren’t “flexible enough” for pole dancing, we assure you that it is something that gets better over time as you continue dancing.

Pole dancing definitely improves your flexibility, which eventually reduces your risk of muscle injuries and muscle soreness and fatigue.

8. Pole Dancing Redefines Self-Esteem

We’re pretty sure you’re thinking - “I don’t think I can pole. It sounds good, but I know me.” Well guess what? Pole dancing will unveil a whole new you. 

Dancers often start out with a whole lot of self doubt - Can I climb the pole? Can I move gracefully? Can I go upside down and move around? Over time with constant grit and determination, you will be surprised to see that you can say yes to all those questions. Who you once thought you were is now a stronger and more confident pole dancer.

9. Pole Dance Frees Self Expression

Pole dancing is dancing and like any form of dance, it involves emotions and the freedom to express those emotions. Pole dancing is a great way to show what you feel and who you want to be. 

Want to let your inner seductress out? A Pole Dance or Pole Choreo class will get you started. Want to feel like Super Woman? A Pole Tricks class will unleash your strength, power and confidence like no other discipline will. Want to test how far your physical limits can go? Pole Fitness focuses on physical strength and technique difficulty that will leave your friends gasping with a WOOOOOW!

10. You Will Be Part Of A Diverse & Welcoming Community

The icing on the cake here! Pole dancing gives you so much, but what really makes it stand out from other sports and disciplines is its community.

And the best part is that despite any difference in backgrounds, pole dancers will always lift fellow pole dancers up and support each other like no other, reminding you that you can do this!

Pole dancing is a community that believes that there is no “standard, one size fits all, and most importantly that everyone and truly anyone can pole dance.

So have we convinced you to start? Join us at the studio for a Pole Dancing Class!